Contractor Profile
Thomas Whipple Builders, LLC

Thomas Whipple Builders, LLC was formed circa 2005, as the successor entity to Thomas Whipple Builders (sole proprietor). Tom has been designing and building custom homes since 1971. Tom started as most builders, taking “first steps” in the remodeling business, after returning from service to his country in the U.S. Navy. An industrious individual, full of energy; ”T” Whipple, (as his family, friends and clients call him), worked the limited construction “seasons” in upstate New York and then continued his trade during the winter months in Phoenix, Arizona, and El Paso, Texas. “T’s” crew gained valuable experience in framing, siding and completing trim work for the major builders of that era.
In 1978, his business had grown to the point, that he needed to take on staff. During that year, he formed a four man “crew” and served as a subcontractor on many of the major, custom housing projects in Saratoga County, New York.
His next level of gaining experience and establishing a name for himself took place during the period from 1982 to 1986. It was during this period that he designed and constructed custom homes for an increasing number of clientele.
During 1986 to 1997 Tom partnered with John Travis and undertook a major development project, purchasing and subdividing a 200-acre farm in Saratoga County on which 35 (estate size) building lots were created. Under the name of Chatfield Corners, Tom Whipple and John Travis constructed 15 custom homes of the ultimate number that were built.
From the period 1997 to 2002, opportunities presented themselves and T Whipple Builders moved its center of operations to participate in the burgeoning housing market in and around, Crested Butte, Colorado, including completing several custom housing upgrades/rehabilitations and the complete from the ground up, of two custom homes over this short tenure there.
Returning to the Saratoga County, New York area in 2002, T Whipple Builders (sole proprietor) and it successor, Thomas Whipple Builders, LLC has been active in the luxury home market through the upstate Capital District, including Saratoga and Warren Counties and extending in the mid-Hudson Valley Region as well.
During this entire period T Whipple Builders have successfully constructed over 108 custom homes and completed over 300 remodeling jobs for an extensive list of satisfied clients.
Most complimentary of his work is the fact that “T” has built custom homes for several of the major subcontractors that have indeed worked for him. When they could have had their choice of any major contractor/builder in the area, their choice for quality and professional workmanship was Thomas Whipple Builders, LLC A list of references /contented customers is available upon request.